The ChiFlow Self-Healing Program is a comprehensive self-care and self-healing program, customisable for people of all ages and walks of life. It was created from many years of practicing Yoga, Qigong, martial arts, energy healing and meditation.
Reflecting some 40 years of self-cultivation experience, the Program embodies a comprehensive (top-to-toe) and wholistic (mind, body, spirit) approach to health, healing and well-being.
The ChiFlow Program covers exercises and energy and meditative practices to align, strengthen, tone, revitalise, and harmonize oneself, while maintaining mindfulness in every aspect of its practice. The Program is unparalleled in terms of its breadth and depth of approach, and its outcome for our health and well-being.
The Program reflects the realisation that we are not only a three-dimensional physical being, but a complex multi-dimensional energy system; and that the approach to our healing and well-being needs to reflect our complex reality.
The Program develops our mind mastery, because the mind directs all our actions and habit formation and influences the flow of Chi in our system. We basically program ourselves for illness or for health.